Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012

These books were from my library visit back in early July.  I was reading so much, going to the library, and going to secondhand stores to build up my collection of Stephen King books around the time I was going through my morning sickness period.  Now, whenever I see books, I feel kinda sick.  Weird, I know.  So, I'm taking a break.  Fun fact - I've read 48 books since I started keeping track last October. 

She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot. I had to google this to remember what it was about. 

The Guy Not Taken by Jennifer Weiner.  This was a collection of short stories and I remember wanting more after each story was over.  Each story should have been a full book!

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1 comment:

Ali said...

Wow, 48 is impressive! You have to pick out a good one for your plane trip.