Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Coach Post

It's actually been awhile since I've looked at the Coach website, and even though I get their emails every week, I rarely even open them. Today is Saturday, a day off from work, and I've been lounging on the couch in my yoga pants all morning 'surfing the net' (is that still cool to say? How are the kids wording it nowadays?) Here's a few things I like -

One day I will have a purse in this pretty camel color.

It's not that I WANT a black swingpack. I NEED a black swingpack.

I really have no need for this, but isn't it the cutest little phone/ipod/camera case? This is Pepper, I didn't see Pinky.

Such a fun ring!

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Of A Kind Artwork

My nephews came to visit me a couple weeks ago and we did a zillion things - making dinosaur eggs, baking monkey bread, going to Playtime Pizza (no one wants to ride with me on the go karts because I'm sloooooowww), and going to a baseball game. And...creating great masterpieces of art. On the left is 'Cubes and Tornadoes', and on the right is 'Stripes'. I love them and they look absolutely fabulous above my fireplace.

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